时光如水 发表于 2022-3-24 05:38:27


我叫DJAKARIA KOJTA,中文名:柯达,来自几内亚。2021年12月毕业于华中科技大学,新能源科学与工程专业,获硕士学位。毕业后,我很快应聘到了十堰银鹏兴电子科技有限公司工作,担任海外市场开发经理。

My First Days In Shiyan
My name is Djakaria KOITA, from Guinea. I graduated as a master’s degree holder in New Energy Science and Engineering at China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan-China. After my graduation, I got a job in a company at Shiyan as a Research and Development manager for oversea market.
I arrived in Shiyan for the very first time in January 25, 2022. Shiyan is about 6 hours by car from Wuhan city. It is a moderate city of Hubei province that has similar whether with Wuhan. Shiyan is located in the north part of Wuhan, and is built between the mountains. When it snows, those mountains give an attractive view to the visitors. In Shiyan, the snow is more obvious than in Wuhan city, giving rise to a beautiful and enjoyable environment for visitors who never experienced the snow before.
Compared with Wuhan, Shiyan is a small city and does not have subway facilities yet. However, with its few millions of people, the city is lively and it is easy to reach one’s destination. There are many attractive places to visit and have fan. The park of Shiyan and the area around the train station are the most attractive places of the city. Shiyan has also a good number of nice and tall buildings, which show the well-being of its population. Apparently, it is hard to see foreigners in Shiyan, maybe because of the holiday, but like Wuhan, people in Shiyan are also very friendly with foreigners. There are varieties of foods to eat with cheaper prices. Specially, if you enjoy eating pork meat, welcome to Shiyan !!!!
At the eve of the Chinese new year, we enjoyed making a Chinese special food ‘’Jiaozi’’ at home with Baba, our Chinese father….hahaha. Our Chinese mother, ‘’Mama’’, shared a red envelop to each person. That was my first time to see a real red envelop. It was a special moment and a good experience for us before we move the following day to Baba and Mama’s village for New Year celebration. At the village, we have witnessed a number of firecrackers I never seen before since I came to China. From the evening of January 31 to February 1, everyone in the family was present to spend that special moment together, lighting a number of firecrackers in front of their houses, sharing foods, love and blessings, wishing each other a happy near year. It was just amazing and I wish to return there to celebrate the coming New Year.
Baba’s family is a large, sociable and kind family. We are spending memorable times together, and I wish this could last longer. Everyone is welcome to Shiyan. Come to Shiyan and start your professional journey in Hubei province.
Thank you!!!


和尚不念经 发表于 2022-3-24 05:42:27

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